Wildlife Wednesday – Addax

One of my favorite animals that you can find in Kilimanjaro Safaris is the Addax.  I never really took notice of them until I noticed them one day near the lions.  A lioness was watching them closely and I was certain she was going to escape and have one for dinner.  I did a little bit of research about the Addax and I wanted to share so of the information I found.

Addax are also known as the screwhorn antelope.  They are critically endangered, which means that they are at an extremely high risk of extinction.  According to my safari driver recently, there are only 500 known Addax left in the world.  They live in the Sahara desert, but are extremely rare due to unregulated hunting.  They are primarily herbivores and have adapted to live in areas with scarce water sources.  They can be easily hunted do to their slow pace.  (source)

Here are some of the pictures from my visits and from Disney: